Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Alligator Farm

We wrapped up our trip to Florida with a morning trip to the Alligator Farm. I'm not quite sure why the photo op included a tortoise, but these pictures turned out better than anything that had an alligator in the background.
If I had known that millions of alligators lurking through a swamp would bring such joy to my little boys, then I would have gladly avoided the entire Kung Zhu fiasco and the struggle I had on aisle 31 of Target last month trying to score a Kung Zu Battle Arena. I would have spent two days at the alligator farm to avoid the mess with toy rats that wear shields and battle for supremacy in an octagon - even if it meant forty degree weather and a komodo dragon had to accompany the alligators in a Florida swamp.

I think it's safe to say that the boys loved the alligator farm, and Keagan deemed this year's trip the "best Christmas trip ever!"

I'm hoping the plush rats and the battle arena bring the same level of joy on Christmas morning.

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