Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fort Pulaski

It is "Vetenarian's Day", and to show our patriotism and our gratitude to all of our military friends old and new, Wes and I sat around the house this morning while Keagan played "checkards" with Oma, and Evan played football with Opa. When I decided that there had to be more to the holiday than taunts like "You're going down, Oma," and "You really need to work on your passing game, Opa," I made the executive decision to make the drive to Fort Pulaski outside of Savannah. Wes wasn't thrilled with the idea and claimed he was "forted" out (afterall, we have visited at least four since we moved to Georgia in June), but I gave him the look, and he was packing the car in no time. And it's a good thing because it was beautiful!

The boys packed their Civil War era muskets and decided the battle was on. Keagan shot every person he saw, and it was so annoying that even the elderly visiting the site were not endeared. (I say this because they are usually captivated by Keagan's big blue eyes, freckles, and quick wit.)

Evan claimed to be embarrassed by his little brother, but he did his fair share of shootin' up the place. He aimed for the alligator in the moat, though, so no one seemed to mind nearly as much.

In the midst of Civil War era battles and shoot-outs, though, the boys earned their Junior Ranger badges. Evan views this accomplishment as a perfect segway into a new hobby - Junior Ranger badge collections. This of course means we must now re-visit every battle ground in the immediate area, and I know one person who might not be up to that. However, Opa and Oma have only seen Pulaski so with some encouragement, Evan just might have the opportunity to see them again.

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