Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Marine Amidst the Infantrymen

I've never been one to live the full military lifestyle or surround myself with hoo-ah Army. In fact, the boys have so little exposure to ACUs (Army uniforms) and other military traditions, that they refer to all people in active duty uniform as Marines. This is because for five years we lived less than 10 miles from Quantico, and took bimonthly trips to Quantico to purchase groceries at a discounted price. The only men they ever saw wearing ACUs or carrying guns were the Marines standing at the guard shack at the entrance.

I assure you that the men and women of 3rd Infantry Division do not want to be referred to as Marines, and so I quietly tried to correct Keagan as we stood in line at the Barbershop in the PX yesterday. But he announced in the only voice he has - LOUD - that he wanted a Marine hair cut like those Marines in the PX.

After that one experience three years ago of having my boys' hair cut at the barbershop on Quantico and having our Christmas pictures ruined with little Marines standing next to the Christmas tree instead of happy little boys anticipating Santa's arrival, I promised to never go back. I was hesitant to try any military barbershop again, but after searching endlessly for a Cartoon Cuts and then Pro-Cuts here in Hinesville, I knew that I had no other option, and we headed for the barbershop on post.

I found a nice lady that was willing to use scissors on top instead of a number two all over the head, but Keagan would have nothing of it. He had to have a "Marine haircut."

And he got it. 

Completed with a Civil War pistol because not only are we Marines, but we are also fighting Civil War battles for the North.

We left the barbershop, and Keagan said, "Evan, let's go home and play war. You be the Army and I'll be the Marine."

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